Sound works

Audiotechnology for more well-being.

A pleasant sound environment creates an improved quality of life. At sonamedic, we harness the power of sound for health. In a user-friendly app for iOS and Android devices. All you need is your smartphone and a pair of headphones.

Audiotechnologie Keyboard

The sonamedic Founder Team

Our founding team comes from the professional audio industry. For years we have been working on the positive effect of sound on our body and our well-being. 

With sonamedic, we have developed an audio app to support mental health. Which helps to reduce stress, promote resilience, find natural sleep and strengthen concentration. Simply by listening. We thus offer an easy-to-use preventive measure for the health of our users. 

Audiotechnologie, binaurale beats mit Gründern Philipp Hofheinz und Andreas Lehnert

Philipp Hofheinz and Andreas Lehnert, sonamedic Founders

A unique combination of sound

All of our audio programs work through the unique combination of their components. Acoustic processes from neurophysiology such as binaural beats are embedded in individually composed music at sonamedic. In this way, each sound journey receives its own, precisely fitting sound world, which additionally supports the effectiveness of each session. Our stories are spoken by prominent voice talents.
