Music influences our emotions in many fascinating ways. Learn more about the effect of sound here.
It is important to sleep sufficiently and restful. Music and sleep are also closely linked in our culture. How music can help you fall asleep and what kind of music is best suited for this purpose is explained in this article.
Whether booming basses while dancing in the disco, motivating beats in the gym or stimulating rhythmic music for running. For many people, music is simply part of movement and sport. In this article you will find out exactly what effect music has on you and your movement sequences, whether you can increase your physical performance with it and what role the emotional level plays in this.
Maybe you are more considerate in your actions and always need some time to adjust to new situations. But you should learn to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. This guide offers you suggestions and support to try to break the cycle of insecurity and self-deprecation, or simply to become a little bit more courageous and self-confident.
The subject of mindfulness is now on everyone's lips. But what exactly is mindfulness? And how can you cultivate it? How can you tell whether you are mindful or careless? And which techniques can help you to bring more awareness into your life?
Those who suffer from the so-called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder "ADHD" are particularly severely affected. What does it mean for a child not to be able to concentrate on one thing? And how can one promote and train childhood concentration?
After all, the ability to concentrate on a single thing is essential for everything creative! But how exactly do I concentrate on one thing? How can I focus? What exactly is concentration anyway? Which things are beneficial to it? In this article you will find some answers to these questions.
Here you can learn more about the effects of sonamedic frequency therapy. A fundamental part of our sound journeys are the binaural beats. But what exactly is this phenomenon? To what extent have binaural beats been scientifically researched? In which areas can they help us? And how exactly do binaural beats contribute to the effect of sonamedic's sound journeys?