You want to do more for the health of your employees? We help you with forward-looking, digital methods on the way to a healthier working environment and more relaxed employees.
in your company.
for every euro invested.
for occupational disability and medical care.
Source: BGF-Coordination Office
All sonamedic content is developed under psychotherapeutic supervision and is based on the specifications of the Central Prevention Review Board.
„Für mich ist die sonamedic Academy der beste BGF-Kurs am Markt. Endlich werden die Vorteile der Digitalisierung in der Betrieblichen Gesundheitsvorsorge voll zum Vorteil der Unternehmen genutzt.“
„Die individuelle Betreuung und der Fokus auf Sound unterscheiden sonamedic von allen vergleichbaren BGF-Angeboten. Für mich sind das die entscheidenden Faktoren für den nachhaltigen Erfolg der Maßnahmen.“
The sonamedic 12-week course was specially designed for corporate use. Your employees will gain lasting skills for dealing with stress and a productive working atmosphere. The course is certified as a prevention offer by the Central Prevention Testing Centre in the individual user area. Exciting workshops combine valuable health knowledge with practical tips for mental fitness. With the sonamedic smartphone app, participants additionally take meditative relaxation into their everyday life. Developed with the expertise of psychologists and audio experts.
sonamedic Founder, Creative Director “Sound and Health”
Psychological psychotherapist and certified mindfulness teacher
Health coach and moderator of the sonamedic relaxation sessions
Keynote Speaker and Bestselling Author for a Happy Life
Introduction, insights into the topics of stress & sound.
Origin of stress. Nature of our mind.
Dealing with difficult emotions.
What factors make us resilient in life.
Taking life into one’s own hands with flexibility.
What determines our self-worth / self-compassion.
Small exercises and food for thought for every occasion.
Learning to relax properly with the help of sound. Gratitude.
Ways and tools for healthier sleep.
Valuing and strengthening connectedness.
Look to the future with confidence. Set the right filters.
Permanently integrate and apply what has been learned in everyday life.
Our award-winning app supports the mental health of your employees. Simply by listening. In over 100 meditative sound worlds, we help reduce stress, promote resilience, find natural sleep and strengthen concentration.
With our audio room concepts, you create spaces of retreat. To relax and recharge your batteries for challenges.
Birdsongs, the lively babbling of a creek, soft relaxing music – in a sonamedic lounge your employees will find a place of deep relaxation.
We develop holistic concepts for you, from interior design to light installation. From the couch to the perfect sound. For a real feel-good ambience.
* Pflichtfelder
Pforzheimer Str. 126a
76275 Ettlingen
T: +49 7243 200 900
© 2025 sonamedic GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany